Vision and Mission


To bring hope to students in need.


A Catholic community that supports students in becoming who they are called to be.

Catholic Values

By living these values with an open mind and a faithful heart, we bear witness to these words:

"You are the hope of the Church and of the world. You are my hope." - Saint John Paul II

As a Catholic Learning Community, we value:

Faith, evangelizing ourselves and others through scripture, sacrament, prayer and action in service with the home, school and parish.

  • Hope, giving witness to the belief that we can become who we are called to be.
  • Love, being present to others with care, compassion, solidarity, community and joy.
  • Peace, creating opportunities for contemplation, spirituality, reconciliation and forgiveness.
  • Wisdom, listening and responding to the Holy Spirit.
  • Inclusion, ensuring a sense of belonging by promoting the dignity and worth of each human life.
  • Excellence, building on God's grace to achieve our earthly and eternal vocations.
  • Creativity, celebrating diverse and innovative expressions of God's gifts.
  • Service, seeking out and responding to local and global needs with prudence, fortitude, humility and charity.
  • Stewardship, shepherding God's creation and resources for the common good.
  • Responsibility, demonstrating accountability and fidelity in our thoughts, words and deeds.
  • Justice, acting and serving with integrity in communion with the Gospel and teachings of Jesus.